Student Chat For LearnDash

The Student Chat For LearnDash add-on allows you to offer class chats for specific or all courses. When enabled, a chat tab will be added to each course page, available to students and admin.

Installation #

  • Install the LearnDash plugin & activate it.
  • Install the Student Chat For LearnDash add-on and activate it.
  • A new Course Chat menu will be added under the LearnDash menu.
wpinnovators product student chat for learndash main menu image

License Option #

License keys can be found in the email received when you purchased the add-on. The license key can be added in the corresponding field. Once you add your unique license key, click on Activate

wpinnovators product student chat for learndash licensing image

Course Chat #

wpinnovators product student chat for learndash course chat image

Chat #

Check this box to enable the course chat feature (globally).

Specific Course Chat #

Here you can select the specific courses for which you want to enable chat.

Auto Refresh Chat #

Enabling this toggle will update the chat on frontend after the interval set by admin.

Refresh Interval #

From here, admin can set the interval of auto refreshing.

Debug Log #

Check this box to enable the debug log feature. When this box is enabled, two more tabs will appear titled “Activity Logs” and “Debug Logs”.

wpinnovators product student chat for learndash activity logs image
wpinnovators product student chat for learndash debug logs image

Specific Courses Chat #

Alternatively, to enable the course chat for specific courses, you can enable the Courses Chat toggle from the course settings.

wpinnovators product student chat for learndash specific course chat settings image

Preview #

Student Side #

wpinnovators product student chat for learndash chat student side image

Admin Side #

wpinnovators product student chat for learndash chat admin side image

FAQ’s #

Are Chats available for Lessons & Topics?

No, currently chats can only be enabled on Courses.

Can we enable Chats for specific students only?

No, the chat will be enabled for all students enrolled in the course.

Can admins read Chat messages from the backend?

No, chat messages only appear on the front end.

With whom can students initiate chats?

The Student Chat For LearnDash addon facilitates 1-to-1 chat between administrators and students. Administrators can engage in private conversations with individual students, providing personalized support, guidance, and assistance as needed.

Changelogs #


  • New: Adding functionality groupleader chat with group users, and student chat with groupleader


  • Initial Release.
What are your feelings
Updated on January 10, 2025